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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Y. Zhou |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

The technological advancement heralded the arrival of precision radiotherapy (RT), thereby increasing the therapeutic ratio and decreasing the side effects from treatment. Contour of target volumes (TV) and organs at risk (OARs) in RT is a compl[...]Article
Y. Zhou ; A. Larnaudie ; Y. Ghannam ; L. Ollivier ; Y. Gounane ; A. Laville ; A. Coutté ; A. Huertas ; P. Maroun ; Cyrus Chargari ; S. Bockel |The invention and approval of innovative anticancer therapies in the last decade have revolutionized oncology treatment. Radiotherapy is one of the three traditional pillars in oncology treatment with surgery and systemic therapies. Some standar[...]