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Auteur A. Lisbona |
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Lassurance qualité de la radiothérapie dun essai clinique est une étape importante dès la conception de lessai clinique. La définition précise de lassurance qualité doit faire lobjet dune description détaillée dans le protocole clinique de[...]Article
I. Barillot ; D. Azria ; A. Lisbona ; M.-A. Mahé |Summary The purpose of this article is to describe the external irradiation process and updated recommendations of the French society for radiation oncology for patient follow-up.Article
P. Giraud ; Cyrus Chargari ; P. Maingon ; Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi ; D. Azria ; É. Monpetit ; M.-A. Mahé ; I. Barillot ; A. Lisbona ; J.-J. Mazeron |The purpose of the first two editions of the guidelines for external radiotherapy procedures, published in 2007 and 2016 respectively, was to issue recommendations aimed at optimising, harmonising and standardising practices. The purpose of this[...]Article
N. Pourel ; C. Meyrieux ; A. Lisbona |The French sanitary and regulatory context in which radiotherapy centres are comprised is evolving. Risk and quality management systems are currently adapting to these evolutions. The French nuclear safety agency (ASN) decision of July 1st 2008 [...]Article
C. Hennequin ; D. Azria ; P. Blanchard ; G. Crehange ; É. Deutsch ; A. Lisbona ; É. Moyal ; David Pasquier ; L. Roca ; S. Supiot ; P. Giraud |The aim of this review is to present the specificities of clinical research in radiation oncology. Objectives are similar to all research in oncology: to improve the efficacy and to decrease toxic effects. Phase III trials remain the main method[...]