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Auteur P. Blanchard |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi ; Cyrus Chargari ; P. Blanchard ; P. Pommier ; L. Ollivier ; M. Ferré ; D. Peiffert |The 2020 recommendations for good brachytherapy procedures are updated based on the 2016 article. This new brachytherapy article took into account recent data published in the literature as well as international recommendations. The different br[...]Article
R. De Crevoisier ; Julie Leseur ; C. Bouvet ; F. Huguet ; J.-L. Lagrange ; T. Haaser ; D. Pasquier ; G. Crehange ; S. Supiot ; P. Pommier ; A. Roy ; A. Berna ; P. Blanchard ; L. Marcucci |Objectif de létude : Les questions éthiques sont peu investiguées, particulièrement en oncologie radiothérapie. Lobjectif de létude était dexpliciter la problématique éthique principale en oncologie radiothérapie. Matériel et méthodes : Une[...]Article
Lincidence des cancers oropharyngés liés au papillomavirus augmente dans les pays occidentaux depuis plusieurs décennies. Sils sont individualisés au sein de la dernière classification TNM, les standards actuels de prise en charge nautorisent[...]Article
R. De Crevoisier ; S. Supiot ; G. Crehange ; P. Pommier ; I. Latorzeff ; O. Chapet ; David Pasquier ; P. Blanchard ; U. Schick ; V. Marchesi ; P. Sargos ; C. Hennequin |We present the update of the recommendations of the French society of oncological radiotherapy on external radiotherapy of prostate cancer. External radiotherapy is intended for all localized prostate cancers, and more recently for oligometastat[...]Article
P. Pommier ; M. Ferré ; P. Blanchard ; E. Martin ; D. Peiffert ; S. Robin ; Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi ; V. Marchesi ; J.-M. Cosset |Prostate brachytherapy techniques are described, concerning both permanent seed implant and high dose rate brachytherapy. The following guidelines are presented: brachytherapy indications, implant procedure for permanent low dose rate implants a[...]Article
J. Biau ; Yoann Pointreau ; P. Blanchard ; C. Khampan ; P. Giraud ; M. Lapeyre ; P. Maingon |We present the update of the recommendations of the French society of oncological radiotherapy on radiotherapy of laryngeal cancers. Intensity modulated radiotherapy is the standard of care radiotherapy for the management of laryngeal cancers. E[...]Article
P. Blanchard ; J. Biau ; F. Huguet ; S. Racadot ; C. Berthold ; S. Wong-Hee-Kam ; M.-C. Biston ; P. Maingon |Nasopharyngeal cancers are a rarity in France. Radiotherapy is the cornerstone of treatment, frequently combined with chemotherapy. The technical modality of radiotherapy is complex in this disease, which is located in the vicinity of numerous o[...]Article
C. Hennequin ; D. Azria ; P. Blanchard ; G. Crehange ; É. Deutsch ; A. Lisbona ; É. Moyal ; David Pasquier ; L. Roca ; S. Supiot ; P. Giraud |The aim of this review is to present the specificities of clinical research in radiation oncology. Objectives are similar to all research in oncology: to improve the efficacy and to decrease toxic effects. Phase III trials remain the main method[...]