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Auteur D. Peiffert |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi ; Cyrus Chargari ; P. Blanchard ; P. Pommier ; L. Ollivier ; M. Ferré ; D. Peiffert |The 2020 recommendations for good brachytherapy procedures are updated based on the 2016 article. This new brachytherapy article took into account recent data published in the literature as well as international recommendations. The different br[...]Article
Jean-Francois Py ; Julia Salleron ; G. Vogin ; F. Courrech ; Pag Gondim Teixeira ; S. Colnat-Coulbois ; F. Baumard ; S. Thureau ; S. Supiot ; D. Peiffert ; G. Oldrini ; J.-C. Faivre |Purpose : To describe clinical outcomes of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) applied alone or as a boost after a conventionally fractionated radiation therapy (CFRT) for the treatment of bone oligometastases. Material and Methods : Thi[...]Article
E. Rio ; F. Mornex ; P. Maingon ; D. Peiffert ; L. Parent |We present the update of the recommendations of the French society of oncological radiotherapy on hepatic tumours. Recent technological progress led to develop the concept of focused liver radiation therapy. We must distinguish primary and secon[...]Article
J. Jacques ; S. Renard ; N. Demogeot ; J.-C. Faivre ; D. Peiffert |Purpose: Skin squamous cells carcinomas (SCC) are frequently tumor, especially in the elderly population. Surgical excision is the standard treatment. But for patients suffering large tumor or/with comorbidity, a conservative approach with irrad[...]Article
N. Demogeot ; Julia Salleron ; V. Beckendorf ; D. Peiffert ; M. Levitchi ; C. Charra-Brunaud ; S. Renard |Purpose The standard treatment for endometrial cancer is surgery, although depending on the risk factors, adjuvant radiation therapy may also be given. It is proposed for high-risk carcinomas for which an improvement in progression-free survival[...]Article
Purpose : To focus on technical aspects of the implementation of interstitial high dose rate brachytherapy, with a step-by-step approach. Materials and methods : Patients were selected during multidisciplinary tumor boards, according to inclus[...]Article
C. Charra-Brunaud ; Julia Salleron ; I. Menoux ; K. Peignaux ; A. Ducassou ; Adeline Petit ; P. Pommier ; I. Barillot ; A.-A. Serre ; L. Thomas ; M. Delannes ; D. Thibouw ; Delphine Antoni ; S. Renard ; D. Peiffert |Objectifs de létude : Nous présentons les résultats du PHRC Tridicol, étude prospective française de phase II dont lobjectif était daugmenter la dose délivrée au volume cible lors de la curiethérapie des cancers du col de lutérus localement [...]Article
P. Pommier ; M. Ferré ; P. Blanchard ; E. Martin ; D. Peiffert ; S. Robin ; Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi ; V. Marchesi ; J.-M. Cosset |Prostate brachytherapy techniques are described, concerning both permanent seed implant and high dose rate brachytherapy. The following guidelines are presented: brachytherapy indications, implant procedure for permanent low dose rate implants a[...]Article
D. Peiffert ; F. Huguet ; V. Vendrely ; L. Moureau-Zabotto ; E. Rivin Del Campo ; G. Crehange ; A.-S. Dietmann ; A. Moignier |We present the update of the recommendations of the French society for radiation oncology on external radiotherapy and brachytherapy of anal canal carcinoma. The following guidelines are presented: indications, treatment procedure, as well as do[...]Article
A. Escande ; D. Peiffert ; C. Dejean ; Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi ; A. Cordoba ; P. Pommier ; Christine Haie-Meder ; Cyrus Chargari |Penile cancers are uncommon and should be treated in expert center. Radiotherapy indications are mainly limited to exclusive brachytherapy for early stage penile glans cancer. Brachytherapy yields to excellent outcome for disease control and org[...]Article
V. Vendrely ; E. Rivin Del Campo ; A. Modesto ; M. Jolnerowski ; N. Meillan ; S. Chiavassa ; A.-A. Serre ; J.-P. Gérard ; G. Crehange ; F. Huguet ; C. Lemanski ; D. Peiffert |We present the updated recommendations of the French society of oncological radiotherapy for rectal cancer radiotherapy. The standard treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer consists in chemoradiotherapy followed by radical surgery with tot[...]Article
Cyrus Chargari ; Adeline Petit ; A. Escande ; K. Peignaux ; C. Lafond ; D. Peiffert ; Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi ; C. Durdux ; Christine Haie-Meder |Primary vulvar carcinomas are rare gynaecological cancers, for which surgery is the mainstay of treatment. There is however a major place for external beam radiotherapy in the situation of inoperable locally advanced tumours and/or as adjuvant t[...]Article
Cyrus Chargari ; K. Peignaux ; A. Escande ; C. Lafond ; D. Peiffert ; Adeline Petit ; Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi ; C. Durdux ; Christine Haie-Meder |Summary Primary vaginal cancers are rare tumours, for which external beam radiotherapy and brachytherapy are major treatment tools. Given the complexity of brachytherapy techniques, the treatment should be performed in specialised centres. We pr[...]