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G. Maxant |Dans JPC (98, MAI 2015)Objectif de létude. Évaluer le bénéfice de la thérapie par pression négative appliquée sur plaie fermée dans le cadre de lamputation trans-tibiale, en considérant le taux de fermeture primaire des moignons damputation et de la réduction du re[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité JPC 2015 L98 Périodique papier Louvain-la-Neuve Etagère des revues Prêt autorisé
Introduction Following total knee arthroplasty surgery, attention should be paid to post-operative knee range of motion to achieve daily activities. Goniometer assessment is widely used to assess the range of motion in the post-operative period.[...]Article
Avascular necrosis following rotational ankle fractures is most commonly described in the talus; however, it can also occur in the tibial plafond. These sequelae of ankle fractures are rarely described in the literature. Avascular [...]Article
Progressive collapsing foot deformity is a common disabling process. Progressive collapsing foot deformity is complex with several components, including abduction forefoot deformity, foot pronation/supination, and heel valgus deformity. Medial[...]Article
Background Limited studies have compared the muscle activity of the medial and lateral hamstrings as knee flexors with tibial internal and external rotation and hip extensors with hip internal and external rotation. In particular, hamstring acti[...]Article
DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Kine Scient 2006 472 Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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Sagittal distal tibia deformities produce a greater change in tibiotalar joint contact areas than with valgus or varus deformities. Talar anterior or posterior translation occurs secondary to a distal tibia sagittal deformity and worsens the [...]Article
"Objective To examine differences in tibia and proximal femur morphology between the affected and sound limbs in ankle-foot orthosis (AFO)-using survivors of stroke. Design Observational study. Setting A university bone density laboratory. Pa[...]Article
Effect of motion control running shoes compared with neutral shoes on tibial rotation during running
Importance: Premature infants are not prepared developmentally, physically, or cognitively with the multiple survival skills of the typical newborn. Objective: To determine whether physical activity generated spontaneously by premature infants s[...]Article
Il existe différents traitements de larthrose en fonction de son importance et de son retentissement fonctionnel. Les différents traitements sont : le traitement médical, ou chirurgical conservateur ou prothétique. Lostéotomie de varisation ra[...]Article
The most common cause for end-stage ankle osteoarthritis is posttraumatic, often resulting in concomitant supramalleolar deformity. Aims of the supramalleolar osteotomy include restoration of the lower-leg axis to improve intraarti[...]Article
C. Rothmann ; O. Pierrard ; T. Schmutz |Une patiente consulte aux urgences dans les suites dun traumatisme apparemment bénin du genou droit par torsion, avec impotence fonctionnelle totale. La comparaison clinico-radiologique met en évidence une luxation postéro-externe du genou droi[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité REV Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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Open wounds of the tibia may be caused by trauma, surgery, or chronic ulceration. These wounds often lead to significant morbidity and have the potential for limb loss. The anteromedial portion of the tibia lacks significant soft tissue coverage[...]Article
"Les anomalies rotatoires des membres inférieurs sont un motif fréquent de consultation chez lenfant et ladulte. La difficulté est de faire la part entre une pathologie entraînant cette déformation ou risquant dentraîner de larthrose à lâge[...]