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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Grainne O' Donoghue |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Objective To provide a snapshot of current activities, barriers and perceived training needs for the assessment and management of behavioural risk factors in physiotherapy practice in primary care settings in the Republic of Ireland. Design Cr[...]Article
Background With the global shift in health care from secondary to primary care, employment opportunities for newly qualified physiotherapists are likely to be in the primary care setting. However, to date, undergraduate physiotherapy clinical e[...]Article
Abstract Objectives Practice tutors evaluation to (i) establish current physical activity and exercise promotion and prescription curriculum content and (ii) their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs concerning physical activity and exercise pre[...]Article
Grainne O' Donoghue ; S. McMahon ; A. Holt ; M. Nedai ; T. Nybo ; C.L. Peiris |Objective To explore entry-level physiotherapy students attitudes and beliefs relating to weight bias and stigmatisation in healthcare. Design Cross sectional survey of physiotherapy students. Methods All final year physiotherapy stu[...]