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Kimberly Ennis ; Kimberly Ennis ; Phillip S. Sizer ; Elizabeth Sargent ; Jean-Michel Brismée ; Alex Drusch ; Jeegisha Kapila ; Troy L. Hooper |Objective This study examined the effects of abdominal bracing maneuver (ABM) performance on stable and unstable surfaces on active forward reach (AFR) distance as a measure of trunk control, measuring changes in reach distance and muscle activa[...]Article
Acute deltoid repair in unstable bimalleolar equivalent ankle fractures restores medial ankle stability and anatomic alignment. The direct repair of the deep deltoid leads to high patient satisfaction and return to normal activity levels. [...]Article
Xiaotian Wang ; Xuerong Shao ; Ruoni Yu ; Yudi Wang ; Fawei Deng ; Roger Adams ; Jia Han |Objective To investigate the acute effect of the four-strip kinesiology taping (KT) technique on dynamic balance control in the Y Balance Test (YBT), and to explore the relationship between the YBT and Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) sc[...]Article
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Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Kinesithérapie scientifique. 520 (2011) Périodique papier Woluwe Espace revues Consultation sur place uniquement
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Amnion and chorion products show great promise, and have real potential to be mainstays of treatment for chronic, nonhealing wounds. Although amniotic products do carry a cost, the decrease in time to healing, with the assumed subsequent decreas[...]Article
Objectives Osteoarthritis (OA) of the ankle joint is associated with life-long joint pain and disability if not appropriately managed. There is a dearth of research concerning ankle OA and the impact on those living with the condition. Aim [...]Article
A full-length standing posteroanterior radiograph that includes the calcaneus (hip-to-calcaneus radiograph), obtained with the patient in a bipedal stance on a radiolucent platform and facing the long film cassette, can be used to evaluate the m[...]Livre
L'Anatomie fonctionnelle, conçue et écrite il y a plus de quarante ans par Monsieur A. I. Kapandji, traite de la biomécanique - jusqu'alors abordée de façon anecdotique dans les livres d'anatomie. Grâce à cette impulsion, chaque ouvrage d'anatom[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (2)
Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 611.6 KAP Livre Woluwe Espace livres Prêt autorisé
Disponible611.6 KAPA7 2 Livre Woluwe Espace livres Prêt autorisé
The Deltoid-Spring Ligament complex plays an important role in the biomechanics of the medial longitudinal arch. A complete understanding of the static ligament complex is important when diagnosis and treating different pathologies of the foot [...]Article
M. Sghir ; M. Guedria ; A. Haj Salah ; I. Haddada ; M. Ben Fredj ; W. Kessomtini |Objectifs Étudier le profil des blessures du pied et de la cheville chez les joueurs de football amateurs et didentifier les éventuels facteurs de risque. Matériels et Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale, réalisée à laide d[...]