Communauté Vinci
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Descripteurs (mots-clés)
HE Vinci > Thérapeutique > Chirurgie > Arthroplastie
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Surgical reconstruction of a joint to relieve pain or restore motion. [MeSH]
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A full-length standing posteroanterior radiograph that includes the calcaneus (hip-to-calcaneus radiograph), obtained with the patient in a bipedal stance on a radiolucent platform and facing the long film cassette, can be used to evaluate the m[...]Article
Objective To establish whether nonpharmacologic interventions, such as occupational and physical therapy, were associated with a shorter duration of prescription opioid use after hip or knee arthroplasty. Design This retrospective cohort [...]Article
Alison M. Cogan ; Jennifer A. Weaver ; David A. Ganz ; Leslie Davidson ; Keith R. Cole ; Trudy Mallinson |Objectives To explore the association between therapy minutes per length of stay (LOS) day (TMLD), functional outcomes, and rate of functional recovery among older adults after elective hip or knee replacement surgery across postacute (PAC) s[...]Article
Objective To investigate limb loading and dynamic stability during squatting in the early functional recovery of patients who had undergone total hip arthroplasty (THA). Design Cohort study. Setting Inpatient rehabilitation clinic. Participan[...]Article
Objective To compare guideline recommendations for hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) and their level of evidence. Data Sources MEDLINE, Embase, the Cochrane Library, and websites of professional societies were searched in June 2020 using key[...]Article
Hiral Master ; Louise M. Thoma ; Tuhina Neogi ; Dorothy D. Dunlop ; Michael LaValley ; Meredith B. Christiansen ; Dana Voinier ; Daniel K. White |Objective To examine the association of the volume and intensity of daily walking at baseline with the risk of knee replacement (KR) over 5 years in adults with advanced structural knee osteoarthritis. Design Prospective, longitudinal, an[...]Article
Toby O. Smith ; Jack R. Dainty ; Emma M. Clark ; Michael R. Whitehouse ; Andrew J. Price ; Alex J. MacGregor |Background Total hip (THR) and knee replacement (TKR) are two of the most common elective orthopaedic procedures worldwide. Physiotherapy is core to the recovery of people following joint replacement. However, there remains uncertainty as to ph[...]Article
"Objective To investigate the preoperative effects of exercise-based interventions on pain and physical function for people awaiting joint replacement surgery of the hip or knee. Data Sources Four computer databases (CINAHL, MEDLINE, Embase, an[...]Article
Objective To systematically review the literature to determine if preoperative psychological health affected hospital length of stay among adults following primary unilateral total knee arthroplasty. Data Sources Systematic review. We searched[...]Article
Objective To evaluate the effects of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) on knee swelling and the assumed consequences of swelling after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Design Randomized controlled trial. Setting Primary care hospital. Participant[...]Article
Heng Liu ; Hui Cong ; Lixia Chen ; Hao Wu ; Xin Huang ; Yongping Cao |Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of progressive resistance exercise (PRE) for patients with total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in a meta-analysis. Data Sources PubMed, MEDLINE, Cochranes Library, and EMBASE databases. Study Sele[...]Article
La diminution du temps d'hospitalisation après arthroplastie totale de genou oblige les patients à s'impliquer de plus en plus pendant leur convalescence. L'autorééducation permet une prise en charge efficace. Nous avons donc créé, puis évalué l[...]DisponibilitéExemplaires (1)
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