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Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Liming You |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur

Lifang Zhang ; Tiebin Yan ; Liming You |Objectives To investigate environmental barriers reported by stroke survivors in the rural areas of China and to determine the impact of environmental barriers on activity and participation relative to demographic characteristics and body funct[...]Article
Lifang Zhang ; Tiebin Yan ; Liming You |Objective To describe the home barriers and social isolation of stroke survivors in the rural areas of China and to explore which home barriers are associated with social isolation. Design Cross-sectional survey. Setting Structured interviews[...]Article
Juanjuan Zhao ; Huan He ; Jingrong Du ; Yuan Liu ; Zekai Li ; Liming You ; Kun Li |Objectives The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the SYSU-NEP virtual patients (VPs) on the history-taking ability and self-efficacy of nursing interns. Background An easy to use, freely accessible and objective training software p[...]